We got an opportunity to go diving with them on the last day. We rounded up Gary and his crew Linda from s/v Sea Flyer and the 6 of us had the dive boat to ourselves (plus the Dive Vavau crew). While Paul drove the boat, and Karen worked with Amy and Roger, Izzy showed us around the dive site.

We did 2 dives. In Vavau, the #1 attraction is diving with whales. But the whales are frolicking in their summer home off Antartica this time of year. So no whales. The other attraction around here are caves. Being part of a volcanic ridge, Vavau has a lot of caves. Both of our dives originated near the mouth of a shallow cave, and after we got through exploring the cave, we went out on the wall.

We didn't see much in the way of big fish, but some pretty little fish, some very colorful fans and soft corals. The water was warm and visibility was pretty good. A great way to spend a day.

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