Dave is amazing. He has taken the whole engine apart and put it back together again. With hardly any parts left over. And it still works. So I told him I would like to be his apprentice and learn at least enough to troubleshoot if we got in a tough situation and he was disabled. I can sail, and I could make my 2.5 hp outboard go on Fast Lane, but I know very little about diesel engines.
While Soggy Paws was in the yard I got to help him put the transmission back on. The transmission is so heavy we had to lower it into the engine room with a block and tackle, and then swing it into the pit where the transmission goes using a mini block and tackle (called a 'come along').
(Note: I got demerits on my Diesel Mechanic's Helper evaluation because I got a dirty thumb print in the new bilge).
Then we had to hook up the main halyard and swing the transmission from the cockpit down into the engine room area. That thing was so heavy that it took two of us just to move it a couple of feet by hand. And of course we're trying to put it in a very small spot deep in the bowels of the boat...
Once we had it NEAR the engine, we transferred it to the "come-along", which was hanging from a temporary gallows we erected over the engine. See the transmission hanging to the right.
(Above: Me trying to tighten inaccessible engine bolts)
I say that does look like fun!Actually, the thumbprint is a terrific safety measure. Should some tragedy befall you, like abduction by aliens in the Bermuda Triangle, it would be a handy way for Dave to assure himself that the woman returned to him was in fact his wife.