Wow, what a weekend!

First, our crazy friends at MYC put on a whole regatta as a surprise going-away party for me. I knew there was a regatta, but was totally blown away when I walked into the 'Skipper's Meeting' and everyone yelled 'Surprise'!

But it WAS really a regatta, so we got to go sail in some really nice sailing weather. My old crew pretty much all came along, so it was really fun even though we didn't win. We started the day with a halyard failure, and had to send Cheryl up the mast to recover the halyard.
Dave got some pretty good pictures of my crew in action. My friend Rochelle (and fiend who planned this whole thing) finally got a chance to beat us.

Can you believe the regatta trophies were bags and towels embroidered with "Sherry Beckett Honorary Regatta"?
And they made regatta T-shirts with my favorite Mark Twain saying:

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
They even had a raffle and prize giveaway, with Dave Noble MC-ing as usual.

Dave (sneaky guy) had fed them old photos, and had that going on a slide show on the big screen TV. Including photos of me in kindergarden (!!), and all the highs and lows of my Fast Lane racing career.

And then... they did a "Roast Sherry".
All my friends came up and reminded everyone of all the fun we've had on the water and elsewhere. Everyone from Gary Smith, who pretty much taught me everything I know about racing, to Cheryl, who managed to make me cry with some of her insight into how much my crew of women have "grow up together" while racing over the years.

Finally, Jack Bibb and Jerry Ross sang me a song of their own making. By then we'd all been partying since about noon. Jack told me later "that song sure sounded a lot better when we practiced it sober!"

It was a great time and MANY THANKS to Rochelle and Cheryl and Nancy and Rachelle and Dave and all the other people at MYC who obviously spent a lot of time, money, and effort to pull this off. You guys are nuts and I love you!
Right, Rochelle, the friend (fiend) who orchestrated the whole thing, with Gerry Moores, our faithful Women's Racing Chairman.
Below: My wonderful Fast Lane crew... Hugs and Kisses to you! (and come visit us somewhere!)